Thursday, April 14, 2011

Chapter Eight - An Old Bank Statement

   The first few years that Lars and I were married, we both worked very hard at full time jobs and scraped by.  He worked as a Industrial Engineer at a uniform plant and I worked several different jobs doing different types of administrative work in an office environment.  About five years after our wedding, Carr met a woman I worked with whose boyfriend was a sales consultant for a software company.  Carr was fascinated and told me "I am going to get a job doing what he does and I am gonna make lots and lots of money."  He put out resumes and worked so very hard to make this dream come true and about six months later, he was hired at a small software firm.  After he began working in this field, he slowly became very successful.  The more success that he achieved, the more I saw the man I married becoming more and more of a stranger and did not like this emerging person.  I also began losing myself and did not like the person I was becoming either.  Chapter eight will tell the story of two people who started out so in love and how success and a career slowly started both of them down different paths in their lives.  These paths would eventually bring them both to the end of the road.

1 comment:

  1. One of the best posts till now i have seen.
    Thanks for sharing beautiful story!

    Statement Letters
